Why us (OLIA)

At OLAMOSH Islamic Academy (OLIA) we believe that education is total and all-round development of the brain, body, mind and soul, and we have uniquely blended Islamic and secular learning, with uncommon mastery

(We run a hybrid learning system consisting of a perfect blend of western and Islamic education to support the balanced development of the Muslim child… We are here to bridge the gap between knowledge and faith)

Our standard is world-class and fees are pocket friendly. Enroll your ward with us; Let’s nurture the children that will give you sakeenah (tranquility and peace of mind) in your old age

WHY OLAMOSH Islamic Academy (OLIA)

➡️Well ventilated and Small Class Size

➡️Qualified and Experienced Teachers

➡️Serene, conducive and Islamic environment

➡️Ultra Modern Computer Lab and Science Lab

➡️Scholarship Package for Orphans, needy and brilliant students


➡️Quality Western Education (G.E.S).

➡️Intensive Quran Memorization Sessions.

➡️Hadeeth Memorization Sessions.

➡️Arabic Language Tutelage.

➡️Praiseworthy Manners Impartation.

➡️ICT Skill Acquisition