About Us

OLAMOSH Islamic Academy (OLIA) is a faith-based school established in January 2021 to run a hybrid learning system consisting of a perfect blend of western and Islamic education to support the balanced development of the Muslim child.

The school started with over eighty (80) students (Creche to Primary 6). The school runs various Programmes on weekdays and weekend.

OLIA admit students into Day and Boarding.


To groom a better generation of Muslim children through a unique quality assured teaching-learning process

همنا: لتهيئة جيل أفضل من الأبناء المسلمين من خلال عملية تعليمية مضمونة الجودة وفريدة من نوعها


To be a world class academic institute raising tomorrow’s leaders for the attainment of academic excellence and making positive impact on the society

هدفنا: أن نكون معهدا أكاديميا عالميا يهيئ قادة المستقبل لتحقيق التمييز الأكاديمي، وإحداث تأثير إيجابي على المجتمع.


Education for this world and hereafter

شعارنا: التعليم لكلي الدارين